Quit Messing with the Universe
I've probably ranted on this topic before. I didn't look up in my archive so sorry if this is a repeat rant. I don't like daylight savings time. I know Ben Franklin originally proposed the idea--at least that's what we learn in National Treasure--but I don't like messing with time. Maybe it's from watching too many Star Trek episodes or Back to the Future but somehow I think we are messing with the space-time continuum and who knows the ultimate consequences of our actions. Plus I think it's the ultimate example of arrogance that we, as humans, think we can control time. I REALLY don't like the spring forward time change. I know it seems extreme but I can really tell the hour's difference for at least a week. I drag around more than usual and don't feel caught up until the fall back clock mambo. Anyway, unless I move to Arizona, I guess I'm stuck with the twice yearly clock mambo dance. But what really burns my cookies is that they (whoever "they" are) have moved the time-change weekends. For years, and I mean YEARS, we changed times on the first weekends in April and October. Those weekends also happen to be General Conference weekend for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. This is the time we, as Mormons, gather to hear counsel from the leaders we sustain as prophets, seers and revelators. It is a weekend I look forward to for six months. And it is the perfect combination for the time change. It was much easier to remember to change the clocks on conference weekend. The prophet even reminds the men at the priesthood session. Now, I never know when the time change is coming up. Since "they" have decided to mess with the time change weekend, I have been bothered even more by the loss of an hour's sleep. I also forgot to change the batteries of the smoke detector (if I had one) and rotate the tires and food storage. I really think moving the time-change weekend has interfered with the natural flow of the universe. Either that or I just don't like change!
I think you should get a smoke detector :-)
I'm with you. We are arrogant to think we can control time. We are probably messing things up...as usual.