Handcart Trek
Our stake recently had an awesome youth activity. The Church owns a cattle ranch about an hour north of Tulsa. They have a dozen or so handcarts. The youth were divided into families with a Ma and Pa. They dressed in pioneer clothes and had no electronic devices for the three days of the trek. They had to pack all their belongings in a five gallon bucket and then carry it all on the handcart. At the end of the trek, the families met the youth. We had white hankies waving and sang pioneer songs. Lindsey had the opportunity to go on this trek. She wasn't sure what to think before but was really glad she went. It was very emotional to see her and the others arrive at the end of the trek. During the trek, the men were "taken" away into the Mormon Battalion; then the women had to pull the handcarts up the hill alone--no help and no encouragement either. It was a very emotional time. The youth still talk about their experiences. I think it was a great testimony building experience. Here's a picture of Lindsey and her friends.
Here's a picture of Josh's first prom.
Josh is lookin' dapper!!!